Build Blog

Fleet Week 2018

It’s a new year for team NOMAD, and we are so grateful to have started it off with LA Fleet Week on Labor Day weekend. Our mechanic and software teams spent a few weeks in preparation for the competition fine tuning our lift, autonomous, and grabber. When competitions started, everything worked smoothly, but towards the […]

It’s a new year for team NOMAD, and we are so grateful to have started it off with LA Fleet Week on Labor Day weekend. Our mechanic and software teams spent a few weeks in preparation for the competition fine tuning our lift, autonomous, and grabber. When competitions started, everything worked smoothly, but towards the end of the day, our drive team noticed that the robot wasn’t turning correctly. We worked together to solve the problem, and we even got help from SuperNURDS with replacing a broken part.

Fleet Week was also a great way to introduce our new members to the friendly competition atmosphere.  Not only were all the other participating teams helpful and welcoming, but NOMAD members collaborated to put forward our best efforts as a team. Overall, Fleet Week was a growing experience for our team and has prepared us for future competitions.